Install Packet Tracer in Ubuntu

Thursday, November 25, 2010 by: Andy Kurnia Prayoga Made

Are you someone who is happy with the computer network? Are you using Ubuntu Linux Operating System? This time I will share tips on how to install packet tracer on the Ubuntu operating system. It is very easy. First thing you should do is download the Packet Tracer 5.3 for Ubuntu here

After that the download was going to be in the Downloads folder. Let us begin to go into terminal to install it. Type the following code
sudo su

Then go to the Downloads folder, type the following code
cd /home/your-home-folder-name/Downloads/

Then "Packet Tracer" we give permission to be installed, type the following code
chmod 755 PacketTracer53_i386_installer-deb.bin

After that type the following code

Continue to press enter to exit the approval statement yes or no

Type Y , after than press Enter
Packet Tracer has been successfully installed on your Ubuntu. Good luck!

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