Resetter Epson T13 and T20

Monday, November 22, 2010 by: Andy Kurnia Prayoga Made

Maybe a lot of friends who use Epson printers have problems like this. The red light on the indicator next to the power button stays on life and death in turn without stopping. This is one indication that your printer is in overload condition. If you are someone who does not understand the hardware will directly take him to a printer repairman. Of course this will require a large fee to fix it. The case here is actually very simple, your printer is experiencing overload due to excessive activity, for example you have the wrong set the paper format at the time of printing. On Catridge Epson actually there is a chip that is similar to the memory. Each chip will do the printing record all activities of the printer. The longer the simple logic chips will be full and cause the printer can not function normally. One way of overcoming this problem is to set the printer back to default. There are manual and there is a way of using software to solve this problem. But this time I will only give the software to reset the printer you're in overload conditions. For instructions please read the files adobe reader provided in the download folder below. Good luck and good luck!

Click image to download a tutorial and software (Epson T13 and T20)

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