Download gBilling - Billing for Linux Warnet

Sunday, November 28, 2010 by: Andy Kurnia Prayoga Made

gBilling is a payment system application cafe (cafe billing system) which consists of server and client, gBilling expected to run on a multi-platform (Linux, BSD, MacOS, or Microsoft Windows). gBilling written in C language, with a GTK2 GUI toolkit (The GIMP Toolkit), and using SQLite as database systems and data storage. gBilling will always be under the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2

GBilling Features:

    * Multiplatform (UNIX: Linux, MacOS, BSD, and Microsoft Windows) to 32 bit architecture and 64 bits
    * Concurrent TCP / IP server model (IPv4)
    * Multithreaded (per-client thread, with GLib Thread)
    * Orientation storage database (SQLite embedding)
    * Full control of the server (logout, shutdown, restart, close / open the login client)
    * Detect the client is not active (inactive client program or client computer)
    * System logging and log export to CSV format
    * Recovery (data recovery server / client for the power loss, system crashes)
    * User authentication (GLib data hashing)
    * Chat
    * System package
    * System Item (Items that are sold in the cafe is displayed at the client)
    * Customization according to your internet cafe (cafe name, slogan, address)
    * Free software

Compilation and installation on Linux

To compile gBilling in Linux, you need the following libraries:

    * GTK> = 2.18.9
    * GLib> = 2.22.5 (with gthread> = 2.22.5)
    * SQLite> = 3:41 (only for gBilling Server version 0.1 down)
    * Libglade> = 2.6.0 (only for version 0.1 down)

Note: There are some Linux distributions which do not provide C header files for libglade2 like in Mandriva Free 2008. You can get these files from the GNOME website.

Make sure the libraries are already installed and configured correctly on your system, gBilling been packaged with a standard script installation GNU (autoconf, automake, libtool). Compilation and installation gBilling with other GNU standard package.

Download the latest version of gBilling gBilling Server and Client, compilation and installation with super-user account (root) as follows:

    $ tar xzf gbilling-server-x.y.tar.gz
    $ cd gbilling-server-x.y
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ su -c 'make install'

You can also specify the location of the installation with the configuration:

    $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/gbilling-server

This will install in the directory / opt / gbilling-server.

To delete a file-file compilation:

    $ make clean

To delete all the files the compilation and configuration:

    $ make distclean

To uninstall do the following:

    $ su -c 'make uninstall'

For more information, please see the INSTALL file in the package gBilling gBilling Server or Client.

After installation run gBilling gBilling Server or Client from the menu or directly from the shell, do the settings for the server as set up a username and password server, client, and logs.

Important: Username and password gBilling default on version 0.2 upwards is admin: gbilling, in version 0.1 are we: rock

download server gBilling :
download client gBilling :

source :

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