Student Information System with PHP and MySQL Database

Monday, January 24, 2011 by: Andy Kurnia Prayoga Made

Description: This application uses PHP and MySQL for the database. This application is based website. Application is made to store student data in the database and display the data in the form of websites. This application was made on the local computer, so to run it have to use XAMPP as the server. For more details, we just headed to the practice of manufacture.
Create a database with MySQL. The following syntax from the application database


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mhsstikom`.`mahasiswa`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mhsstikom`.`mahasiswa` (
  `nama` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
  `tgllahir` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' ,
  `jenkel` ENUM('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
  `alamat` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
  `namafoto` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`nim`),
  UNIQUE KEY nim (`nim`),
   KEY nim_2 (`nim`)

Here's the download link from the source code for this application

Student Information System - Click Here

After downloading it and then extract the file in the folder where you installed the htdocs in your XAMPP. You can use Dreamweaver to edit the look and configuration of this application.

Then run the application on your browser. I use Mozilla Firefox to view this website. Here's the view of this application

Good luck!

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